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Locations: FAQ

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As you might suspect, there are plenty of variations and alternatives available for utilizing the Locations mechanism across and amongst Sites. Look over the following and see if they help you in determining how to utilize it.

  1. What are the data entry requirements?
  2. Why must a Location have a properly mapped street address?
  3. What is the RFN and where do I find it?
  4. Do I have to name the Field in my site the same as the RidgeStar Facility name?
  5. Where do I put the RFN in my Fields table on my site?

What are the data entry requirements?

When doing data entry, please conform to the following general guidelines:

  • Use mixed case, standard capitalization, and avoid spelling errors
  • Avoid abbreviations for the Facility/Field name unless the abbreviation is commonly accepted in the local area by the majority of the typical Users of the Facility
  • Location names should be identical to that found in the local Phone Book
  • Location addresses must be capable of being mapped by Google Maps->.
  • Do NOT abbreviate the City name. The State is the commonly accepted 2 character State identity. Zip code is as defined by the US Postal Service.

The objective is for the proverbial next individual to easily find the Location and/or Facility, if it is already defined.

Why must a Location have a properly mapped street address?

One of the key reasons we have centralized the Locations definition is so that people from different geographic areas can "find" the Facility (especially when physically driving to the Location). We make the assumption that the individual does NOT know how to get to the Location and, as a result, want Google Maps to be able to provide driving directions for the individual.

As a result of this objective, we will not accept a Location that does not include an Address that can be properly located via Google Maps.

What is the RFN and where do I find it?

RFNRFN is simply an acronym that stands for RidgeStar Facility Number. It is assigned to each Facility when it is defined to the RidgeStar Locations mechanism, will never change, and can be used across sites to reference the distinct Facility. Essentially, a Field within Site#1 that is related to RFN=93 IS the same Field within Site#2 that is also related to RFN=93. This means that the Facility can have completely different names within the two sites and still be recognized as the same geographic area at the same Location.

The easiest way to locate the RFN for an existing Facility is to use the Locations segment of the RidgeStar.com site to look up the associated Location and/or Facility. The RFN for a specific Facility is the number in the RFN column in the same row as the desired Facility. Remember, the RFN is associated with a Facility (Field) and NOT a Location.

Do I have to name the Field in my site the same as the RidgeStar Facility name?

NO!. The only requirement is that you associate the RFN for a currently defined Facility to the equivalent within your site. This is the responsibility of the individual Site WebMaster and RidgeStar takes no action to verify that the WebMaster has established the proper RFN for all the Site's Fields or Facilities

However, it is clearly to everyone's advantage if the RFN's are assigned properly so that all participants in the scheduled activities will get to the proper Location.

Where do I put the RFN in my Fields table on my site?

Most sites involved with cross-site data sharing will utilize their Administrator: Manage-Fields (or equivalent) management page to enter the RFN into the appropriate Field entry. This is done by locating the detail form associated with the Field, typing the RFN value into the Field's RFN data element that was obtained via the RidgeStar Locations page, and clicking Update.

Once done one time, it will NOT have to be done from that point forward.


If you have questions or concerns that are not addressed here, please send email to Webmaster@RidgeStar.com and we'll see if we can assist you.