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Manual: Introduction-History

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Evolution and History... Not always tremendously useful or interesting, but it does offer some insight into the heritage of the Interactive SiteInteractive Site "approach". Following is a basic chronological snapshot of the evolution of our efforts through Friday, February 28th, 2025 at 4:11am PST:

April 2024
Version 6.2.6 supports the current LAMP Stack, including Linux 6.7, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 10.5, and PHP 8.2.

January 2020
Version 6.0 supports the emerging industry standards for software structure, including Namespace identity and PSR-4 Standards compliance.

August 2018
Version 5.4 delivers a fully Reponsive website capable of dynamically supporting Mobile devices (cellular phones).

March 2018
Version 5.3 Provides performance enhancements to improve database cache management within each session. Feature=reCAPTCHA permits usage of anti-bot tactics in public facing pages. Feature=Multiple permits the use of Multiple specifications in Patterns to simplify complex Pattern/Rule structures.

June 2017
Version 5.2 completes a full swap to the MariaDB Object Data model for all calls, including additional defense against unwanted hacking activity.

Criteria is now stored in the Options table as a JSON object, eliminating any difficulties with complicated syntax existing in stored Criteria. Support for Field overlay/division (Feature=SubFields) is now available. A generalized mechanism (Feature=PageText) permits the Administrator to override/customize virtually any "static text" used throughout the site. Feature=CheckSchedules verifies Match Date, Time, and Field to verify no Field Overlap conditions exists.

Feature=Threads has replaced the prior Lock mechanism to guarantee multiple Browsers/Tabs from the same system does not introduce any "Data Integrity" issues.

Features=JavaNames3 changes the Pulldown processing (where a Visitor is selecting a Name from a list of available Names) to make use of the REST Server. This eliminates any lengthy delay for installations with a large number of names, reduces bandwidth, and permits more flexible searching of the names.

Feature=Conflicts now permits the Administrator to specify one or more SelfAssign Rules that will be monitored while processing (Inquiry or other display functions) to catch Assignments that do not conform with the specified Rules.

August 2015
Version 5.1 can now be configured to force periodic Password changes (to improve security). The Shortcuts can optionally include dynamically driven entries (LastShow, LastDisplay, etc.). Bulk Load/Update permits database elements that are Key (numeric) based elements to be subject to KayTranslation (resolving text string in the input file to an appropriate Key for Load/Update). This version also implements a fully functional CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) REST Server (REpresentational State Transfer) permitting each Site to fully interact with authorized REST requestors (like other Chapters...).

Mobile Device support (PUSH Service) and support for TouchLine (a mobile App) is now active.

May 2014
Version 5.0 has completed the conversion to PHP Object methodology, implements several new Features (Finances, SlideShow, Symbols), and includes a cross-site UID (Universal IDentifier) mechanism to permit communication about individuals across participating Chapters. Criteria specification now permits a Site to control whether a blank or a null are equivalent or not and how that choice in a pulldown should be handled. Further, a "Multiple Select" mechanism is now available for Criteria Pulldowns across the sites. Finally, the publicly published Google Calendars can be incorporated into the Chapter Calender, if desired.
April 2013
Version 4.9 now includes a completely redesigned Notices mechanism (now named Notification) that has extensive alert capability and permits the individual Recipient to dictate where Notification Messages should be delivered. SelfAssign Rules can now be dynamically defined by the Administrator, and the new Schedule rules maps a Referee's daily schedule on a minute-by-minute basis to determine whether a new Assignment can "fit" into his/her schedule or not.
May 2012
Version 4.8 incorporates support for a Twitter interface, iCalendar (ICS) support, a Client-side Session Timeout warning, RSS Feed expansion, and conforms with the current standard of PCI (for processing of credit card transactions and similar functionality).
June 2011
Version 4.7 can now operate as a full fledged SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) XML site to provide data to authorized requestors (other websites), upgraded the system to Google Maps Version 3, permits User based Photo album management, stores Geocoded values for Locations from Google, generates NACHA type files for ACH purposes, and permits the BulkMail feature to utilize SMTP protocols (for speed improvements).
September 2010
Version 4.6 eliminates all transmission (via Email) of Passwords, changes the Agreement(s) to Consent indicators, adds an option for Google Translation (to other written languages), modified the Rules specifications to the term Patterns, permits a desktop based Javascript mechanism to select names in forms, as well as the creation of customized RSS Feeds by Users.
November 2009
Version 4.5 adds support for the PersonalMeter, flexible PageHeader formatting under Administrator control, the ability to accept and track User related Paperwork, as well as moving all User Photos into the Users table as a database field.
April 2009
Version 4.4 changes the cosmetics of the complex User form to a tabular layout, adds an internal Site based Mail mechanism, a detailed Match Audit and generalized Bulk Delete mechanism in the Manage type pages.
August 2008
Version 4.3 completes the migration to full XHTML compliance. Several ease-of-use features were added (simplified SiteName, extended Help for Messages support, a Site Index, etc.). The Assignor can now test SelfAssignment Rules for an Assignment being considered, the Directory was expanded to support a few social networking concepts, and the Forum completely replaced with a more structured approach.
September 2007
Version 4.2 continues the progress towards further XHTML compliance (insofar as the current Browsers can handle). There are significant upgrades to password management, OptIn list support, multiple Session support, as well as several usability aids (ShortCuts, dynamic mapping, and optional pop up calendars)
February 2006
Version 4.0 represents completed conversion to published XHTML standards. Also included upgrades to the Topics mechanism, additional Action symbols, dynamic Availability, and significant upgrades to the storage and handling of passwords (upgraded Security).
February 2005
Version 3.2 represents an incremental improvement over the cosmetics, configurability, and usability of the Referee Management Site. New action symbols, Options, and dynamic creation of Acrobat Reader files were added.
March 2004
Version 3.1 of the Referee Management Site was defined and initial implementation of the key concepts were implemented in the first of the Sites. Accounting interfaces, as well as Permissions for access to specific Pages were added to the system.
November 2003
Version 3.0 of the Referee Management Site was defined and initial implementation of the key concepts were implemented in the first of the Sites. Keep in mind that each Referee Management Site IS unique to the Chapter and not all concepts, functions, or implementations necessarily apply to all Chapters.
January 2003
The hosting environment was changed from IIS/Access on Windows/NT platforms to Apache/MySQL on Linux platforms. Referees.biz went first to act as a development platform and was followed by existing Sites. This was internally named Version 2.7 of the Referee Management System.
September 2001
Referees.biz was activated to provide a web-based demonstration and to assist existing RidgeStar sites. The Sites were gradually modified to conform to a more flexible Search and Display criteria (we have named this variation Version 2.0 of the Referee Management Sites)
March 1998
East King County Soccer Referees Association (EKCSRA->) activates the first interactive Referee Management Site. It consists of FrontPage images and a few "interactive" pages. We internally reference this incarnation as Version 1.0 of the Referee Management Site. The evolution of this site continues to this day.
August 1996
NorthshoreSoccer.org goes production with RidgeStar's first interactive Operations Site with customized access by the User.
March 1994
North Ridge Software, Inc. diversifies by starting a new division named RidgeStarRidgeStar to service Internet service requests. One Windows/NT based system is placed into production.

Why did RidgeStar get involved in this at all?

The short answer: one of our programmers was involved as a participating Referee with EKCSRA and it occurred to him and the EKCSRA Chapter Administrator that there just had to be a better method for assigning than the old-fashioned paper and pencil system.