4 July 2015
In the last few years, Mobile Devices have become quite capable of complete and full interaction with the Internet across the Cellular Network, as well as WiFi hot spots. With this explosion in hardware devices, we've seen an increasing interest in utilizing "Mobile Technology" (Cellular phones, Tablets, Phablets, etc.) to interact with the RidgeStar Soccer Management Sites (Referees, etc.).
Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability of TouchLine
(a Mobile App) that is intended to provide a mobile platform permitting a mobile user to interact with the key data and functions available on a RidgeStar Site. TouchLine
(a product of Sound Software, Inc.
) is a native application for Android and iOS2 based devices that can be used to perform several Match related lookup functions (search Matches tables), obtain maps and directions to the Match Locations, as well as accepting Referee credentials suitable for logging onto a Referee site. The User (Referee) can then file Match Reports, SelfAssign, Turnback, send and receive Mail, etc.
support can be added to any existing RidgeStar site through the introduction/implementation of the standard RidgeStar Feature=TouchLine. This Feature:
- adds a new Devices table to the database (to track which Mobile Devices are interacting with the website and record the necessary encoding for Mobile Push Notifications)
- adds a full function REST Server to the site (all database access, updates, etc. are sent from TouchLine to the REST Server to maintain data integrity)
- adds a few Users table fields to permit the Administrator to manage TouchLine usage (permits the Webmaster to pre-approve Users for TouchLine usage)
Existing Clients that do not have Feature=TouchLine active can make a request of their RidgeStar Account Representative (just ask for Feature=TouchLine).
TouchLine usage (Licenses) are available in two basic forms:
- Basic License
- Permits the use of TouchLine to access the Public information or any Services segment type areas of the site the User's credentials permits (e.g. Services: Directory, Services: Mail, etc.)
- Referee License
- Provides the functions and features of a Basic License, but also permits Referee specific functions to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, Match Inquiry, Request Assignment, SelfAssign, Turnback, and Match Report.
Each Site (Chapter) can (optionally) choose to pay for the TouchLine App through the standard RidgeStar RSU mechanism on a User by User basis. Users that are not pre-authorized for Chapter subsidized TouchLine usage will be required to obtain their own Basic or Referee License directly in the App (via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store).
Site Administrators can pre-authorize a User by checking on the TouchLine checkbox and specifying the License type in the Users Administrator tab. RSU's will not be assessed unless the User actually installs and uses TouchLine during a Calendar month.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is TouchLine automatically active in all RidgeStar Sites?
- No. The Webmaster must contact a RidgeStar Account Representative to request activation of Feature=Touchline. TouchLine cannot interact with the Website without the Feature activated.
- How much does TouchLine cost?
- TouchLine can be paid for by the Chapter (12 RSU per year per User) or by the end User through an in-app purchase (Basic licenses are $1.99 annually, Referee licenses are $3.99 annually).
- Can a Referee use both the website and TouchLine?
- Yes...there are no restrictions and the User or Referee can mix and match the usage of the website and TouchLine in any way desired.
- Is TouchLine usage password protected?
- Yes. If the Chapter requires a Sitename and Password to gain access to it, TouchLine will require the same combination/values for the User to gain access. TouchLine accepts the password, encrypts it and then sends the encrypted information across the Internet to the REST Server. The clear text password is NOT stored by TouchLine anywhere, nor is it transferred across the Internet to the REST Server. TouchLine WILL use SSL protocols to communicate with the REST Server, if the Chapter supports it (Feature=SSL).
- Does TouchLine have any support for Mobile Notification?
- Yes. TouchLine can cause Mobile App Notifications to appear on the Mobile Device, provided the User has configured it to do so. Broadcast operations from the Website can be routed via the standard RidgeStar Messaging routing mechanisms, as well as any element available/delivered via Feature=Notification.
- Can TouchLine support more than one Chapter at a time?
- Yes and No. TouchLine does permit a single Mobile App installation to define multiple "Accounts" (1 Account = 1 Chapter/Website). But, the TouchLine user can only have one Account (Chapter) open/active at a time within the App.
- Is it possible to experiment with this before deciding?
- Sure. Referees.biz
is the RidgeStar demonstration site and it IS a TouchLine enabled website. Install TouchLine on your device (Phone, whatever), then logon as one of the Referees.biz TouchLine Users (see Administrator: Manage-Users at Referees.biz to identify them).
See you online!
Updated: Saturday, December 7, 2019