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Service: Fees-Service Tiers |
The following Service Fee schedule is in effect for RidgeStar client site renewals with a term of service starting after 1 Jan 2005:
Tier | RSUs | Service Fee |
1 | 0-1,000 | $600 |
2 | 1,001-2,500 | $1,125 |
3 | 2,501-5,000 | $2,000 |
4 | 5,001-7,500 | $2,625 |
5 | 7,501-10,000 | $3,200 |
6 | 10,001-13,000 | $4,160 |
7 | 13,001-16,000 | $5,120 |
8 | 16,001-20,000 | $6,200 |
9 | 20,001-30,000 | $9,000 |
10 | 30,001-45,000 | $12,600 |
11 | 45,001-60,000 | $15,600 |
12 | 60,001-80,000 | $20,000 |
13 | 80,001-100,000 | $25,000 |
14 | 100,001-125,000 | $30,000 |
- Service fees are quoted in U.S. Dollars, are fixed price for a single 12 month Service Period, due and payable at the start of the period.
- The RSUs column should be interpreted as a "range" of values, which establishes the range of average monthly RSU totals
covered by the Service Tier.
- Actual billing activity can be scheduled on a Annual, Quarterly, or Monthly cycle, as selected by the Client. RidgeStar will assume Annual billing unless otherwise
If you have any questions about how this effects you, do not hesitate to contact your Account Representative today!