Washington State Chapters are required to obtain specific paperwork to allow minor workers to accept Assignments. This is typically described as the "Parent/School Authorization" form. This form can be dynamically generated by the Site to facilitate the processing associated with using minor workers as follows:
- AuthorizingTitle
- The official title of the Chapter Officer that is approving the Authorization
- BusinessID
- The Chapter's Business ID (for those needing it)
- City
- The City of record for the Company or Organization that the Minor Authorization is being submitted to. This value (if unspecified or empty) will be obtained from Setting=Chapter.
- DaysPerWeek
- Describe the number of Days per Week the individual may work
- EarliestStartTimeNoSchool
- The earliest Starting Time of day for an Assignment during non-School periods
- EarliestStartTimeSchool
- The earliest Starting Time of day for an Assignment during School periods
- Expiration
- The Authorization Expiration date (the date beyond which Assignments are NOT permitted)
- JobDuties
- A brief description of the duties (job description) the minor will perform
- LatestQuitTimeNoSchool
- The latest time of day the Minor may work to during non-School periods
- LatestQuitTimeWeekdaySchool
- The latest time of day on a weekday (Monday through Friday) the Minor may work to during School periods
- LatestQuitTimeWeekendSchool
- he latest time of day on a weekend (Saturday, Sunday) the Minor may work to during School periods
- LocationID
- The Chapter's Location ID (for those needing it)
- MaxHoursPerDayNoSchool
- The number of hours per day the Minor may work during non-School periods
- MaxHoursPerDaySchoolWeekday
- The number of hours per weekday (Monday through Friday) the Minor may work during School periods
- MaxHoursPerDaySchoolWeekend
- The number of hours per weekend (Saturday, Sunday) the Minor may work during School periods
- MaxHoursPerWeekSchool
- The number of hours per week the Minor may work during School periods
- MaxHoursPerWeekNoSchool
- The number of hours per week the Minor may work during non-School periods
- Name
- The identity of the Company or Organization that the Minor Authorization is being submitted to. This value (if unspecified or empty) will be obtained from Setting=Chapter.
- Phone
- The phone number to reach the Company or Organization that the Minor Authorization is being submitted to. This value (if unspecified or empty) will be obtained from Setting=Chapter.
- Signature
- The name of the authorizing Chapter Officer. This CAN reference a digitized signature file in .JPG or .PNG file format)
- State
- The State of record for the Company or Organization that the Minor Authorization is being submitted to. This value (if unspecified or empty) will be obtained from Setting=Chapter.
- Washington State Uniform Business Identifier for the Chapter
- Wage
- approximate wages per hour that will be paid
- Zip
- The Zip or Postal code of record for the Company or Organization that the Minor Authorization is being submitted to. This value (if unspecified or empty) will be obtained from Setting=Chapter.