Operational sites with Feature=Paperworks active will have the following Options available via Setting=Paperwork:
- UploadMax
- Specifies the maximum size (in MB) that a file containing the Paperwork can be and be successfully uploaded and stored in the /paperwork folder on the site.
Default is 5
- PurgeOnUpload
- When Paperwork is uploaded, any existing Paperwork that was uploaded and stored before the specified PurgeOnUpload interval will be deleted from the /paperwork folder. For instance, a PurgeOnUpload=>24 months specification means that any paperwork more than 2 years old will be deleted when a new Version of the same Paperwork for the same Individual is uploaded.
A specification of null or 0 disables the logic to delete files (meaning, all data files will be retained and will require manual processing to delete).
Default is 0