![]() BackgroundThe Sender Policy Framework An OverviewSPF permits each Internet Domain (through it's Domain Name Service entries) to identify which mail servers can initiate email on their behalf. At RidgeStar, we permit our websites and clients to issue Email via the RidgeStar mail servers, but (generally) do not permit it to be initiated elsewhere. Similarly, other Mail Servers do not permit RidgeStar (and, in theory, SPAM operations) to create email from a Mail Server that is not theirs. Email Address PulldownsRidgeStar sites with Feature=SPF activated will present Source Email pulldowns consisting of ONLY SPF authorized email addresses. If a User's profile contains a non-RidgeStar email address, it is likely that it will be omitted from the pulldown (as RidgeStar is not authorized to initiate email for the address). The User will be able to receive email at that Profile address, but will not be capable of initiating site based email from it. The pulldowns containing source Email addresses are dynamically constructed and are based upon related SPF entries. The following characteristics are associated with all Email addresses that are included in a source pulldown:
In short, the RidgeStar pulldowns are slightly more restrictive than overall SPF specifications. This is intentional and is intended to provide an additional level of assurance that any Email from a RidgeStar Site is authorized and intended by the Domain Owner. NOTE: If RidgeStar handles your Mail activity and your Website, you should assume that all Email addresses ending with your Domain name WILL operate normally. However, email addresses that do not end with your Domain Name are unlikely to be offered by the RidgeStar site as a valid Source Email. If this happens, contact your SiteManager (if you are the SiteManager, contact RidgeStar for more information). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||