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Manual: Versions-Version 4.5 |
November 2009
Version 4.5 is an incremental upgrade of the RidgeStar Interactive Site incorporating new concepts and features in the base 4.0 system, as described below:
- 1. The PersonalMeter
- The [Webmaster] can identify portions of the Users Site Profile that will have presented a visual status indicator associated with the frequency of update for his/her own Site Profile. Information that is on file that has been recently confirmed is marked Current
, information about to expire is marked Expiring , and information that has Expired .
- 2. Setting=PageHeader
- The [Webmaster] controls which of the various elements you'd like to appear and be active in the PageHeader portion of the Browser page. Options are currently Logon
, Profile , Meter  , Sessions , Search , and GoTo .
- 3. Database Table Locking
- Database table updates are now logically "Locked" or single-threaded on each Session to eliminate the potential for the mis-use of the Browser's Back button, History folder, and/or multiple Tabs/Instances. An individual User that circumvents the normal progression of page activity will receive a "Lock failure" message and any potentially damaging updates are bypassed.
- 4. Citizenship

- Defined Users can now be associated with their "Country of Citizenship" through the addition of ISO 3166 compliant codes
to the User Profile. The "Citizenship" data field is stored in the Users profile as the 3 letter ISO-3166 value, but is displayed in the pulldowns and related locations as the full Country name. The CitizenShip setting can normally be set/changed by the User during editing operations of the individual Profile.
- 5. Required Profile fields now defined by Role
- Editing for required Profile data elements has been shifted from Services: Profile to the individual Segments. Thus, you may now have different requirements for Profile fields for Referees, Assignors, Clients, etc. (defined via Setting=RequiredFor{segment} by Role)
- 6. Subscription information now available on Emails tab
- To enhance maintenance of the Subscription information for individual users, the Subscription mechanism as been duplicated on the Emails tab of the User profile for Manage-Users usage
- 7. Mobile access support
- The /mobile set of basic functions are designed to support web access from mobile devices that require smaller and simpler functionality than available from the full function Site. Designed for smaller Cellular Phone web access, the /mobile functions permit inquiry by Match#, Directory lookup, Assignment listing, and a subset of key functions usable by Referees and Assignors away from their Desktops.
This Feature was withdrawn in early 2013 due to changes in the market place (essentially, the new smart phones have significantly increased in capability and made specialized /mobile pages significantly less useful.
- 8. User Photos
resized and stored in Users table
- Feature=UserPhotos has been replaced by Feature=Photos. User photos (uploaded via Services: Profile) are now automatically resized to multiple resolutions and stored in the User's Profile (instead of /userphotos) for subsequent display on the Site (Directory, Forums, Mail, etc.). Setting=PhotoUse specifies which resolution should be used for which functions on the site.
- 9. Dynamic list of Message Use
- A new Administrator: RidgeStar-Message Use page provides a dynamically produced list of Messages issued by the Site, including shared RidgeStar routines, Site wide routines, and individual pages on the site itself.
- 10. Paperwork

- The site is now equipped to process, produce, collect, and track the necessary Paperwork permitting or associated with an individual (Birth Certificates, Work Authorization, I-9s, etc.)
This version of the system is complete and available to all existing Clients. Enjoy!
- The Development Staff