April 2013
Version 4.9 is an incremental upgrade of the RidgeStar Interactive Site
incorporating new concepts and features in the base 4.0 system, as described below:
- 0. Resolution
- The tracking of Browser pixel resolution has been changed from the Desktop resolution to the active Window Resolution. This means that Administrator: RidgeStar-Resolution will now track the size of the available window operating the Browser instead of the full desktop pixel capacity (this permits the site to adjust to the size of the active window pixel size).
- 1. Notification

- Permits site Users to subscribe their (E)Mail addresses to specific Notification Activity points and receive Messages when key events occur (Assignments, Match Status Changes, etc.). See Manual: Settings-Notify for a list of defined Notification Activities.
- 2. SelfAssign
Rules are now specified via Setting - Permits the Administrator to specify which SelfAssign Rules will be in effect as well as which are Mandatory versus Conditional. Setting=Rules.Mandatory and Setting=Rules.Conditional lists Rule names that will be applied. See Manual: Settings-Rules for a list of currently available and defined Rules (simply add the Rule "Name" to the Setting to activate it as one of your Site\s SelfAssign rules, remove the Rule Name to deactivate it).
- 3. New SelfAssign Rule=Schedule maps daily schedule (Assignment, Travel, etc.)
- A new Rule capable of replacing the older Durations and TooClose Rules now graphically charts a daily schedule for an individual Referee (incorporating Durations intervals, as well as dynamically computed Travel times between Locations) to determine if there is sufficient time for the Referee to schedule himself/herself to the Assignment.
- 4. Options-Fees accepts Percentages or Fixed Amounts
- The accounting values for Travel, Assignor, and Chapter Fees in Administrator: Options-Fees can now be percentages or fixed values for the purposes of computing Accounting entries.
This version of the system is complete and available to existing Clients (contact your account rep)
- The Development Staff