Setting=Alerts permits the Webmaster
to configure specific PageName entry Alerts that will be executed when a Visitor
to the Site enters the corresponding Page. The Setting's format is in the general form:
{PageName}=>{AlertName [+AlertName ...]}
Examples- Check for Unread Mail in the User's Inbox when the Services segment is entered
- Services=>Mail
- Invoke Mail, Conflicts, and Overlaps when the Assignor segment is entered
- Assignor=>Mail+Conflicts+Overlaps
- Check for Unread Mail and missing Subscriptions when Referee: Inquiry is used and Unread Mail when the Services segment is entered
- Referee:Inquiry=>Mail+Messaging,Services=>Mail
- Invoke common Administrator oversight functions when the Administrator segment is entered
- Administrator=>Conflicts+NewUsers+Overlaps+Paperwork+Tickets
Note that the specific PageName(s) should NOT contain any embedded blanks. Use the syntax "Referee:Inquiry" and NOT "Referee: Inquiry".
The available Alerts are as follows and apply to the entire database except where noted by Footnote (but may be extended for individual Sites, as requested via the Webmaster
- Conflicts4
- Will re-process any Matches that have been identified as having Referee Assignments that conflict with applicable SelfAssign
Rules. The list of known Conflicts (as stored at Setting=Conflicts) will be re-processed via the SelfAssign Rules and the Match is removed if the Conflicts have been resolved. Be aware: This Alert can introduce a heavy load on your Session IF the site has identified a high number of Conflicts (meaning, this can take a lengthy period to process all the Matches and interpret all the corresponding Rules).
There are {number} Matches with one or more Referee crew assigning Conflicts
- Delete_Without_Logon
- Deletes an Owner's Mail
once the User has NOT logged onto the system for the specified Interval (specified as Setting=Mail's Delete_Without_Logon operand). Delete_Without_Logon removed {number} Mail messages
- Delete_After
- Deletes Mail once a message has aged beyond a specified interval (specified as Setting=Mail's Delete_After operand)
Delete_After removed {number} Mail messages
- Mail2
- Checks the system to determine if any Unread Mail exists in the individual User's Inbox. If the Unread Mail is greater than zero, the User will see a message like...
You have {number} Unread messages in your Inbox
- Messaging2
- Verifies that the User has one or more Messaging Subscriptions active. If none are active, the User will receive a message similar to
You have no active Messaging Subscriptions and could miss important communications>
- NewUsers
- Checks for any NewUsers that have recently registered for participation with the website and will issue a message similar to this when there are 1 or more New Users waiting.
You have {number} New Users waiting for your attention
- Overlaps
- Alerts the Visitor
to the fact that 1 or more Matches appear to have a Field based Overlap associated with scheduled Matches.There appear to be {number} Matches identified as having possible overlapping Fields
- Paperwork
- Informs the User
that there are 1 or more Users that have submitted Paperwork
for review and approval (or rejection). There are {number} Members with Paperwork waiting for your review
- PasswordScore
- Verifies that the User's PasswordScore is acceptable to the Site, as specified at Setting=Password's Strength value. If the PasswordScore is less than the specified Strength, the User is encouraged to select a stronger password.
Your Password score of {score} is not consistent with {acronym} standards. Please select a stronger Password 
- Purge_Sent3
- Will move any Sent Mail
that has reached it's Expiration (as set via Setting=Mail Purge_Sent's value) to the Trash queueMoved {number} Mail messages from the Sent Queue to the Trash
- Purge_Trash3
- Will delete any Mail
in the Trash queue that has reached it's Expiration (as set via Setting=Mail Purge_Trash's value)Purged {number} Mail messages from the Trash
- Purge_Unread3
- Will move any Unread Mail
that has reached it's Expiration (as set via Setting=Mail Purge_Unread's value) to the Trash queueMoved {number} Mail messages from the Unread Queue to the Trash
- Tickets
- Provides a general summary of Ticket volume for the requesting site (requests for service from RidgeStar), their Status values, and a list of Tickets (if any) waiting for a response from the Webmaster.
2Applies only to the individual User that is logged onto the site
3Applies only to the individual User that is logged onto the site when configured to operate in the Services (or equivalent) segment. When configured for any other Segment, the operation of the Alert is global in nature (affects all database entries).
4May be applicable (depending upon the individual site's implementation) to either the Positions specifications (Assignor, Client, etc.) or Matches where the Referee is a member of the crew (Referee segment).