manages operational and/or configurable items related to the API to the National Weather Service
that can be incorporated into a RidgeStar website. The characteristics for Feature=NWS can be configured via Setting=NWS, as follows:
- Hours
- Specifies the Hours of the day you would like formatted in the Hourly detail breaking down individual Days into Hourly information. Specification is any valid interval format with the start and end times specified as a range (as in 21:00-22:00).
Default is 8am-10pm
- Include
- Entries retrieved from the National Weather Service contain both DayTime and NightTime data points. Specify Include=>DayTime to process and display only those entries deemed to occur during the DayTime.
Default is DayTime
- Intervals
- Specifies the number of Intervals (from today) that should be retrieved and formatted for Weather based information. The National Weather Service API returns 7 days each with a Daytime and Nighttime specification, which means that the total Intervals that can be specified is 14 (7 day time intervals + 7 night time intervals).
Default is 7