
Manual: Settings-Rules

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Feature=SelfAssignFeature permits Referees to assign themselves to an Assignment, provided they meet certain criteria enforced by one or more applicable "Rules". The Rules that will be processed on the site can be configured via Setting=Rules.Mandatory and/or Setting=Rules.Conditional and customized to Matches by one or more Pattern definitions, as follows:

Verifies that the Assignment is scheduled for a Date and Time sufficiently in the future. The Pattern value is a Time modifier relative to the Date and Time of the Assignment (default=1 hour). Thus, by default, the Assignment must be at least 1 hour from current time in order for the Rule to pass.
Compares the computed age of the Referee on the Match Date and compares it to the allowable range specified in the Pattern (default=14-99).
Validates that the requested Position has, indeed, been requested for the Match. The Rule verifies that the Position Method is set to "SelfAssign" and that the Match Status=Normal.

You can also specify 2 Interval type operands in the Pattern (first Date+Time specifies earliest the Assignment can be SelfAssigned, second Date+Time specifies latest the Assignment can be SelfAssigned).

Requires that the related Pattern Values (comma separated character string) has the corresponding checkbox in the Users table marked on. The individual Values are Case Sensitive names and must match exactly the name of the data element in the Users table. E.G. Rule Value="Member,Active" would require that the eligible Referee have both the Users table's Member and Active flag checked on. The Rule defaults to "no flag required".
Verifies that the Club associated with a Match (if applicable) is associated with the Referee requesting an Assignment. Note that this Rule will require some additional customization within a Chapter Site (contact a RidgeStar Representative).
Checks to insure that the Referee does not have too many Assignments on the Date of the requested Assignment. The Pattern value is a numeric value representing the maximum number of Assignments permitted per day (default=2).
Verifies that the Referee does not exceed a specific number of Match minutes during a single Calendar day across all Assignments (Feature=Durations is a pre-requisite). Default is 250 minutes.
Permits testing of the number of Assignments for the Referee immediately prior to and after the requested Assignment. The Pattern is 3 arguments, separated by a comma. First argument is the acceptable number of Assignments, second argument is the interval of time prior to the Match date and third argument is the interval of time after the Match date. If the total number of Assignments during the computed Interval is less than or equal to the first argument, the Assignment is permitted, otherwise it is Failed.

Default=5,-2 weeks,+2 weeks. Make sure you add the operator (plus or minus sign) on the Interval specifications to control the computed start and end dates appropriately. Note that the Intervals compute the Date of Assignment and do NOT factor in time of day.

Evaluates the applicable Referee License (Grade, Badge, etc.) against a list of acceptable values for the Assignment. The Pattern can be a comma separated list containing 1 to n specifications (e.g. "5,6,7,8,referee_8,referee_30, ...") or can be the string "Any" or "All" which means that any non-null value is acceptable (default=Any).
Evaluates the applicable Referee License Date (from the applicable Licensing Authority) against the Match date for the requested Assignment. The Pattern can should resolve to a True value to enforce the rule or False to omit the Rule from interrupting the evaluation (default=1 or True).
Requires that the Referee being considered for the Assignment has read all Site based Mail that is in his/her Inbox. The Rule Pattern value can disable the interpretation of the rule (value=0) or enable it (value=1). Default is true (1).
Evaluates whether or not the user has the Member flag on in the Profile. (default=1)
Verifies that all Personal Meters are "Current" and within allowable intervals (as specified in Setting=PersonalMeters). Default is 1 (true).
Verifies that Match Reports (Accounting table entries) that indicate non-zero Cautions or SendOffs have had completed Misconducts filed by the Referee with the Misconduct Project. Setting=MissingMisconducts specifies the Date range of the Accounting entries that will be checked (default=-1 month,yesterday). The Rule Pattern can specify a value of False to cause the Rule to be considered "n/a" (default=True).
Checks to insure that the Referee does not have too many Assignments during the calendar Month of the requested Assignment. The Pattern value is a numeric value representing the maximum number of Assignments permitted per month (default=6).
Verifies that the Referee has the proper Paperwork in Status=Approved. The Pattern specifies the 2 character code(s) for the required Paperwork (e.g. PS=Parent/School, PA=Proof of Age, I9=Employment Eligibility, etc.) and often varies by individual Site. Multiple requirements are specified with comma separators. Default is null (no Paperwork requirement).
Verifies that the Personal Meter portions of the Profile have been confirmed within the appropriate intervals, as indicated in Setting=PersonalMeter. Default Pattern value is True.
Verifies that the required Referee Profile elements (specified via Setting=RequiredForReferee) have been provided by the Referee. There are no applicable Pattern options.
Checks to determine if the Assignment is specifically disallowed for Assignment (specified by a Rule Value that resolves to True). This is most commonly used to Prohibit a specific Referee from a specific combination of Matches (for installations that have the Referee/User as a Rule criteria element).
Verifies that one or more Dates in the User Profile contains a value (after specified adjustment) is greater than or equal to the Match Date.

The Pattern Value is in the general form: Field-name[{+|-}interval] [,...].

As an example a Value of "Fitness+1 year" means that the Referee being evaluated for an Assignment must contain a date in the Fitness data field of the Users table entry that is greater than 1 year prior to the Match Date.

Insures that the Referee has an appropriate Ranking for the Assignment. If no defined Pattern exists, the Referee's Ranking must be greater than or equal to the Matches table Rank value.

If a Pattern exists, the value is in the general form of { [+|-] Minimum [, [+|-] Maximum ]} format. the Referee's Ranking must be greater than or equal to the specified {Minimum} value and less than or equal to the optionally specified {Maximum}. Each of the specified values can be a fixed numeric value or can be a relative value (+ or -) that will compute the Minimum and/or Maximum Ranking required by adding or subtracting the specified value from the applicable Match Rank.

If the Maximum value is unspecified in the Pattern, it will default to 255.

Measures and verifies that a single Referee is distributing Assignments appropriate between centers (Ref) and lines (AR1+AR2). The applicable Pattern value is specified in the general form of "{ratio},{start-date},{end-date}".

The calendar date range between {start-date} and {end-date} is queried (inclusively) and the number of Assignments as a Ref and AR1+AR2 is obtained. A Ratio is computed by dividing the number of AR Assignments by the number of Ref Assignments. The result of the computation must be greater than or equal to the specified {ratio} or the Rule fails.

Default is "1.0,-1 months,+1 months", which will require the Referee to obtain approximately equal the number of Centers and AR positions during the month prior to and after the requested Assignment..

Verifies that the scheduled Match Date and Time is within the acceptable time period for SelfAssign operations. The related Pattern consists of two values separated by a comma. The first value specified sets the starting Date+Time and the second the ending Date+Time (the Match Date+Time must be between the specified Dates) that the Assignment will be available via SelfAssign.

Default=+1 hour,+3 months, which means that the Assignment must be scheduled to start more than 1 hour from the current Date+Time and cannot be scheduled more than 3 months from now.

Checks that all expected Match Reports have been filed by the Referee for Assignments in the past (a time interval based value).

Default is "-30 days", which means that any Assignments scheduled in the 30 days prior to today will be checked to insure an appropriate Match Report is on file (specification can be overridden by specifying a value as Setting=CheckMatchReports).

Specifies which User Profile elements are required to contain which values for SelfAssign to continue. The Rule Pattern can specify 1 to nn data elements with 1 to nn data values that will be required in the general form {element}=>{value[+...]}.

As examples, pattern values of "Gender=>F" will require that the User's Profile contains a F in the Gender element. Similarly, "Gender=>M+B,City=>Bellingham" will require the User's Profile contain either a M or a B AND a City value of Bellingham.

Note that any specified element IS case sensitive, must be present in the Users table, and be available at SelfAssign processing time (usually accomplished by adding the element to Setting=RequiredForReferee).

Verifies that the Referee has not officiated a match involving the same Home or Away Team (by Team Name) in a Pattern specified interval on BOTH sides of the requested Assignment.

Default=3 weeks, which means that the Referee must have had a gap of a minimum of 3 weeks before AND after the Assignment involving one of the Teams.

Determines if the requested Assignment can fit into the Referee's daily Schedule without any overlap or duplication of Assignments, as well as including sufficient Travel time and required Breaks during the day. The day is graphically portrayed minute by minute as a horizontal bar graph with different colors (controlled via Setting=ChartSchedule) representing periods during the day (from 7am to 11pm) as the following example portrays:


Move the mouse over an individual portion of the graph to see a quick popup describing what the specific section of the day is for. The applicable Pattern specifies the length of a Break (Open + Travel time) that must occur during a continuous period during the day (default=25%,240). This means that the Referee must have at least 60 minutes (specified as the exact number of minutes, or a percentage of the full interval) of downtime (Travel and/or no Assignment) during each of the 240 minute intervals during the day.

If the Schedule rule detects an error, it will produce a single Error Message for each condition and place it in the SelfAssign Conditions table right below the Schedule graph. See Manual: Operations-Schedule for additional detail and information.

Checks to insure that the Referee does not have too many Assignments during the Season of the requested Assignment. The Pattern value is a numeric value representing the maximum number of Assignments permitted per Season (default=6).
Checks to insure that the Referee does not have too many Assignments on the Date of the requested Assignment across ALL Sites participating in cross site Matches display. This Rule utilizes the UID as the connecting element that uniquely identifies the Referee, which means that all participating sites must contain support for that data element.

The sites participating in this mechanism as of Saturday, February 8th, 2025 at 6:56am PST are: EKCSRA, EYSA, LWYSA, NCRefs, QCSRA, NSO, TRG, SkagitRefs, SKRefs.

The Pattern value is a numeric value representing the maximum number of Assignments permitted per day across ALL Sites (default=2).

Verifies that the Referee does not have another Assignment that is Too Close to the requested Assignment. Pattern can be specified as a interval (default=90 minutes). Note that this Rule continues to be available, but the reader is encouraged to consider Rule=Schedule as an alternative, as it's more thorough in it's analysis.
Specifies which Training exercises must be passed in order to proceed with SelfAssign. Pattern is a numeric list of Training #s that must be Status=Pass (default is null or "No Training required"
Derives and compares the number of Turnback operations performed by the Referee prior to the current date and time. The number of Turnbacks cannot exceed a Pattern specified value (Default=2,-1 month,3 days). The default means that the Referee is permitted 2 Turnbacks less than 3 days prior to the Assignment during the last 1 month period. Any more than that and the Rule will Fail.

Note: This Rule does NOT count Rejection of Assignments reject, but only counts the completed Turnback Turnback operations completed via Referee: Inquiry-Turnback.

Checks that the Referee has no more than an acceptable number of future Assignments that are Status=Unconfirmed. The Pattern establishes the maximum number of Assignments that can be Status=Unconfirmed (default=0).
Checks that the Referee's USSF License Year is equal to or greater than the Year the Match is scheduled in (default=true). The Pattern can be any value that resolves to True (1) or False (0). The value of "n/a" renders the verification of USSFYear inapplicable.
Checks that the number of Assignments for the weekdays (Monday through Friday) during the week of the requested Assignment does not exceed the allowable maximum (default=2).
Checks that the number of Assignments for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) during the weekend of the requested Assignment does not exceed the allowable maximum (default=2).
Checks to insure that the Referee does not have too many Assignments during the Week of the requested Assignment. The Pattern value is a numeric value representing the maximum number of Assignments permitted per week (default=4).
Verifies that the WOA (Washington Officials Association) status is acceptable (default=All). The Pattern can be "Any" (indicating any non-null status is acceptable), "All" meaning everything is acceptable, or a comma separated list of acceptable values (e.g. "Registered,Certified").
Verifies that the Referee has correctly submitted and is on file as having successfully completed the WSYSA Risk Management process. The Pattern can be any value that resolves to a True (1) or False (0) condition or can be in the format "Active=>true|false,MinAge=>{minimum age in years}". Default is "Active=>false,MinAge=>0"

The Risk Management Status must be "Approved" or "Cleared" for the Referee in order to pass the Rule.

Rule Naming Convention

The Rule Names identified above are the "root" identities for the individual Rules. However, it is possible to add a Rule "suffix" to any of the Rule Names to permit each Site to distinctly identify a Rule. This can also be a handy mechanism to permit any defined Rule to be used in both the Mandatory and Conditional sections at the same time, but with different Pattern values.

The general format for this is:


As an example, if you wanted to give preference to Referees with less than 4 assignments over Referees with more than 4, but still permit those with more than 4 to SelfAssign when the Match was getting close, you might...

  1. define a Pattern with Name=Monthly.Stage1 with a Value=4
  2. define a Pattern with Name=Monthly.Stage2 with a Value=12
  3. Add Monthly.Stage1 to the defined values in Setting=Rules.Conditional
  4. Add Monthly.Stage2 to the defined values in Setting=Rules.Mandatory

This prohibits Referees with more than 4 assignments using SelfAssign for additional assignments until the conditional rules are waived. Then, Referees with up to 12 Assignments will be able to SelfAssign available Assignments.