From time to time, you may experience an effect or see a layout issue associated with your Site
or a function on a RidgeStar supported Site that you would like to make reference to. When this occurs and you'd like to send the supporting window's contents to a RidgeStar Account Representative, do the following:
via an Email
- Make the "problem window" the current or active window on the desktop
- Press and HOLD the Alt key on the keyboard and press the PrintScreen key (this will copy the current window to the Windows ClipBoard).
- Open an new Email message using your Email client to the RidgeStar Account Representative
- Place the mouse in the Message Body of the message, click once, and then press Ctrl-V (Paste). This should place a graphical copy of the window from the
ClipBoard into the Email message
- Send the Email message to the RidgeStar Representative
via a Ticket
- Make the "problem window" the current or active window on the desktop
- Press and HOLD the Alt key on the keyboard and press the PrintScreen key (this will copy the current window to the ClipBoard). Alternatively, most desktops will also permit you to place the copy into a file on your system (the exact sequence/mechanism to do this varies slightly from system to system).
- Initiate a new Ticket, set the Subject to an appropriate value, enter your Description, then click Choose File after Graphic to open a dialog where you can select the image file you just saved
- Click Update or Reply to upload the information. Make sure the Queue is set to RidgeStar so the Ticket will be looked at by a RidgeStar Account Representative